Today's Current Pool Information York Placepot Results for 12th May 2021
Dividend of £288.70 to a £1 stake won by 636.04 units
York placepot prize fund: £183,682
Race 1 - 1:40 York
Distance: 1m 3f 188y Runners: 15 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 2 | Ilaraab (F) | 2nd | 4 | Raymond Tusk | 3rd | 5 | Throne Hall |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 102282.14 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 4020.14 |
1 | Win O'Clock | 3487.82 |
2 | Ilaraab | 68364.47 |
3 | My Frankel | 39815.81 |
4 | Raymond Tusk | 1790.16 |
5 | Throne Hall | 28107.37 |
7 | Rhythmic Intent | 9533.2 |
8 | Sam Cooke | 34562.59 |
9 | Taqareer | 40698.34 |
10 | Strait of Hormuz | 8409.48 |
11 | Dubai Souq | 565.72 |
12 | Labeebb | 3144.99 |
13 | Luigi Vampa | 908.22 |
14 | Glasses Up | 426.83 |
15 | Maifalki | 55.85 |
16 | Mr Carpenter | 7728.93 |
Race 2 - 2:10 York
Distance: 6f Runners: 18 Favourite: 9
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Mr Lupton | 2nd | 19 | Danzan | 3rd | 11 | Zargun | 4th | 15 | Woven |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 19268.53 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 3721.91 |
2 | Roulston Scar | 15431.31 |
3 | Aberama Gold | 11147.5 |
4 | Hey Jonesy | 410.05 |
5 | Mr Lupton | 6058.74 |
6 | Gulliver | 11260.77 |
7 | Soldier's Minute | 3073.97 |
8 | Magical Spirit | 10841.01 |
9 | Bielsa | 20749.77 |
10 | Staxton | 3326.85 |
11 | Zargun | 19.91 |
12 | Embour | 197.96 |
13 | Shallow Hal | 137.77 |
14 | Brian The Snail | 744.85 |
15 | Woven | 12845.42 |
16 | Manigordo | 1472 |
17 | Hyperfocus | 403.01 |
18 | Citron Major | 94.86 |
19 | Danzan | 344.48 |
Race 3 - 2:40 York
Distance: 6f Runners: 12 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Starman | 2nd | 5 | Nahaarr | 3rd | 6 | Oxted |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 10009.04 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 497.26 |
1 | Art Power | 4781.6 |
2 | Brando | 189.19 |
3 | Emaraaty Ana | 225.85 |
4 | Molatham | 2199.97 |
5 | Nahaarr | 1925.47 |
6 | Oxted | 4758.14 |
7 | Starman | 3325.42 |
8 | Summerghand | 492.74 |
9 | Ventura Rebel | 27.79 |
10 | Final Song | 782.28 |
11 | Lady In France | 50.22 |
12 | Queen Jo Jo | 12.6 |
Race 4 - 3:10 York
Distance: 1m 2f 56y Runners: 7 Favourite: 4
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Snowfall | 2nd | 4 | Noon Star (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 5818.94 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 699.63 |
2 | Glenartney | 18.36 |
3 | Mystery Angel | 787.02 |
4 | Noon Star | 5032.04 |
5 | Quiet Assassin | 9.15 |
6 | Senita | 67.45 |
7 | Snowfall | 87.28 |
8 | Teona | 3308.11 |
Race 5 - 3:40 York
Distance: 7f Runners: 11 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 8 | Wobwobwob | 2nd | 9 | Northern Express | 3rd | 2 | Rifleman |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 3326.25 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 105.41 |
2 | Rifleman | 1269.2 |
3 | Huddleton Mac | 1521.01 |
4 | Red Fascinator | 13.56 |
5 | Captain Cooper | 200.17 |
6 | Bowman | 320.24 |
7 | Sadiqaa | 222.76 |
8 | Wobwobwob | 505.82 |
9 | Northern Express | 1551.24 |
10 | Elakazaam | 25.7 |
11 | Daphne May | 16.67 |
12 | Pivoting | 67.16 |
Race 6 - 4:15 York
Distance: 5f Runners: 7 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Project Dante | 2nd | 5 | Korker |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 636.04 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 248.44 |
2 | Catch Cunningham | 397.41 |
3 | Jadhlaan | 860.6 |
4 | Jungle Bee | 534.27 |
5 | Korker | 18.27 |
6 | Magic Warrior | 568.8 |
7 | Project Dante | 617.75 |
8 | Red Power | 80.71 |
12 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £96.80 to 1510.06 units
11 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £171.00 to 667.68 units
8 Sep 2024 - Dividend of £1,322.60 to 118.52 units
24 Aug 2024 - Dividend of £35,147.40 to 8.30 units
23 Aug 2024 - Dividend of £1,205.50 to 243.59 units
York Placepot - All Placepot Results
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