Race 1 - 1:15 Sandown Park
Distance: 1m 7f 216y Runners: 10 Favourite: 4
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Castle Carrock | 2nd | 4 | Diva Luna (F) | 3rd | 1 | Kap Vert |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 592.41 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 467.02 |
1 | Kap Vert | 404.12 |
2 | C'est Different | 1.78 |
3 | Castle Carrock | 592.42 |
4 | Diva Luna | 7378.4 |
5 | I'm Your Buckaroo | 9.5 |
6 | King Of Highways | 2.96 |
7 | Noble Park | 26.85 |
8 | Pearl's Pirate | 6.5 |
9 | Rip Wheeler | 33.98 |
10 | Ballyhealy Diamond | 1 |
Race 2 - 1:50 Sandown Park
Distance: 1m 7f 216y Runners: 6 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 4 | Casa Loupi | 2nd | 7 | Kentford Mallard |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 31.65 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 16.66 |
1 | Give Me A Boom | 163.34 |
2 | Don't Wind Me Up | 329.83 |
3 | Kourosh | 10.66 |
4 | Casa Loupi | 31.65 |
6 | Hidor De Bersy | 39.97 |
7 | Kentford Mallard | 0.3 |
Race 3 - 2:25 Sandown Park
Distance: 1m 7f 99y Runners: 7 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Vincenzo | 2nd | 4 | Doyen Du Bar |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 15.12 Horse | Name | Units |
2 | Helnwein | 16.41 |
3 | Vincenzo | 15.12 |
6 | All Authorized | 0.12 |
Race 4 - 3:00 Sandown Park
Distance: 3m 37y Runners: 6 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Fil D'ariane | 2nd | 1 | Farceur Du Large (F) |
Horse | Name | Units |
1 | Farceur Du Large | 7 |
2 | Hold That Taught | 1.06 |
3 | Black Gerry | 6.56 |
4 | D'jango | 0.5 |
Race 5 - 3:35 Sandown Park
Distance: 2m 3f 173y Runners: 7 Favourite: 8
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 8 | Loverdose (F) | 2nd | 2 | Il Va De Soi |
Race 6 - 4:10 Sandown Park
Distance: 2m 3f 173y Runners: 10 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 8 | Lord Of All Saints | 2nd | 6 | Marlacoo (F) | 3rd | 1 | Typhoon Flyer |