Race 1 - 4:55 Newcastle
Distance: 1m 2f 42y Runners: 6 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Susiesparkle | 2nd | 2 | Cusack |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 293.74 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 164.48 |
2 | Cusack | 362.85 |
3 | Rock Armour | 2494.12 |
4 | Bird Of Play | 33.07 |
5 | Susiesparkle | 293.73 |
6 | Hot Team | 10.72 |
7 | Rampant | 511.24 |
Race 2 - 5:30 Newcastle
Distance: 5f Runners: 8 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 2 | Lady Nunthorpe | 2nd | 9 | Sixcor | 3rd | 1 | Doddie's Impact |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 20.79 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 1.93 |
1 | Doddie's Impact | 29.45 |
2 | Lady Nunthorpe | 20.79 |
3 | Howzak | 0.68 |
4 | Inanna | 7.32 |
5 | Beneficiary | 88.75 |
6 | Sugar Baby | 83.24 |
7 | Show Me Show Me | 58.78 |
8 | Desert Master | 2.72 |
9 | Sixcor | 0.08 |
Race 3 - 6:00 Newcastle
Distance: 1m 5y Runners: 7 Favourite: 5
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Saxonia (F) | 2nd | 1 | Live Aid |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 15.55 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 0.02 |
3 | Ryans Hope | 0.14 |
4 | Absolutely Not | 1.35 |
5 | Saxonia | 15.53 |
6 | My Mate Beattie | 1.18 |
7 | Sovereign Class | 2.57 |
Race 4 - 6:30 Newcastle
Distance: 5f 1y Runners: 10 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Paddy's Day | 2nd | 1,3 | The Caltonian & Badri |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 0.04 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 0.02 |
1 | The Caltonian | 3.26 |
2 | Spartan Arrow | 4.36 |
3 | Badri | 4.25 |
5 | Mondammej | 0.04 |
6 | Elegant Erin | 0.15 |
7 | Paddy's Day | 0.04 |
8 | Mon Na Slieve | 1.03 |
9 | Dark Kestrel | 2.4 |
Race 5 - 7:00 Newcastle
Distance: 1m 5y Runners: 11 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Just Typical | 2nd | 11 | Pop Favorite | 3rd | 2 | Concert Boy (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 0.02 Horse | Name | Units |
2 | Concert Boy | 0.02 |
7 | Just Typical | 0.02 |
Race 6 - 7:30 Newcastle
Distance: 7f 14y Runners: 6 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Streak Lightning | 2nd | 2 | Mereside Madness (F) |
Horse | Name | Units |
1 | Tasever | 0.01 |
2 | Mereside Madness | 0.01 |