Race 1 - 12:40 Huntingdon
Distance: 2m 3f 137y Runners: 9 Favourite: 4
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 4 | Tramuntana (F) | 2nd | 2 | Jack The Savage | 3rd | 7 | Ray's The One |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 2505.38 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 115.7 |
1 | Sangiovese | 1425.46 |
2 | Jack The Savage | 1492.6 |
3 | Rocket Rufus | 243.37 |
4 | Tramuntana | 2389.67 |
5 | Dance In The Park | 9.3 |
6 | Jassur Des Brosses | 330.25 |
7 | Ray's The One | 78.51 |
8 | Rhodia | 636.27 |
9 | The Last Melon | 1 |
Race 2 - 1:10 Huntingdon
Distance: 2m 3f 189y Runners: 12 Favourite: 5
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Ginger Jonny (F) | 2nd | 4 | Cloudy Wednesday | 3rd | 6 | Pittsburg |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 556.96 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 50.5 |
1 | Superstylin | 399.77 |
2 | Bring The Action | 131.2 |
3 | Supasunrise | 275.11 |
4 | Cloudy Wednesday | 412.42 |
5 | Ginger Jonny | 506.46 |
6 | Pittsburg | 283.24 |
7 | Pleasure Garden | 154.8 |
8 | Millies Mite | 31.23 |
9 | Bombay Sunset | 5.56 |
10 | Berliet Express | 2.94 |
11 | Elzaaro | 246.79 |
12 | Can't Buy Time | 5.36 |
Race 3 - 1:45 Huntingdon
Distance: 2m 3f 137y Runners: 6 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 2 | Califet En Vol (F) | 2nd | 5 | No Questions Asked |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 265.97 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 39.07 |
2 | Califet En Vol | 226.91 |
3 | Jax Junior | 253.58 |
4 | Junker D'allier | 25.41 |
5 | No Questions Asked | 9.35 |
6 | Secret Des Dieux | 2.64 |
Race 4 - 2:20 Huntingdon
Distance: 2m 3f 189y Runners: 4 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 4 | Telepathique |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 77.01 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 31.5 |
1 | Brides Hill | 141.54 |
2 | La Renommee | 4.57 |
3 | Hauturiere | 11.34 |
4 | Telepathique | 77.02 |
Race 5 - 2:55 Huntingdon
Distance: 1m 7f 171y Runners: 8 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Imaginarium | 2nd | 4 | Chicago Storm | 3rd | 3 | Dancing In Brazil |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 9.95 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2.62 |
1 | Imaginarium | 9.95 |
2 | Sun Art | 13.88 |
3 | Dancing In Brazil | 16.9 |
4 | Chicago Storm | 13.67 |
5 | Brave Jen | 0.26 |
6 | Pyrotechnic | 7.51 |
7 | What's One More | 12.22 |
Race 6 - 3:30 Huntingdon
Distance: 3m 1f 10y Runners: 10 Favourite: 5
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Cluain Aodha | 2nd | 2 | Miss Goldfire | 3rd | 6 | Shesupincourt |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Jackpot: 0.13 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 0.23 |
1 | Rockola | 2.45 |
2 | Miss Goldfire | 1.52 |
3 | Cluain Aodha | 0.13 |
4 | Musique De Fee | 1.54 |
5 | Tuscan Rose | 2.81 |
9 | Von Hallers | 1.27 |