Today's Current Pool Information Warwick Placepot Results for 6th October 2022
Dividend of £26.40 to a £1 stake won by 1239.40 units
Warwick placepot prize fund: £32,830
Race 1 - 1:05 Warwick
Distance: 2m Runners: 6 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Sir Tivo (F) | 2nd | 5 | Decorated |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 42403.93 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2009.76 |
2 | Olly's Folly | 1525.47 |
3 | Sir Tivo | 34814.76 |
4 | Dance At Night | 556.84 |
5 | Decorated | 5579.44 |
6 | Al Gaiya | 385.27 |
7 | Bellissimo Milan | 102.09 |
Race 2 - 1:40 Warwick
Distance: 2m 4f Runners: 5 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 4 | Le Cameleon | 2nd | 2 | Northern Bound (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 24929.74 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2370.9 |
1 | Golden Taipan | 3898.71 |
2 | Northern Bound | 13348.96 |
3 | Fat Sam | 9977.31 |
4 | Le Cameleon | 9209.88 |
5 | Marracudja | 3598.17 |
Race 3 - 2:15 Warwick
Distance: 2m Runners: 9 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Notnowlinda | 2nd | 2 | Maridadi | 3rd | 1 | Lutinebella (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 23353.62 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 4044.46 |
1 | Lutinebella | 12099.74 |
2 | Maridadi | 53.66 |
3 | Notnowlinda | 7155.76 |
4 | Sallyann | 42.46 |
5 | Tiger Print | 12.5 |
6 | Hedychium | 21.08 |
7 | Lady Gwen | 1437.14 |
8 | Miss Curiosity | 14.22 |
9 | Valentine Getaway | 48.72 |
Race 4 - 2:50 Warwick
Distance: 3m Runners: 3 Favourite: 3
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 8472.57 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 700.73 |
1 | Twig | 8472.54 |
3 | Judge Earle | 8852.79 |
4 | Trixster | 5327.56 |
Race 5 - 3:25 Warwick
Distance: 2m Runners: 11 Favourite: 11
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 6 | Gerard Mentor | 2nd | 1 | Opening Bid | 3rd | 11 | Never No Trouble (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 2073.37 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 119.29 |
1 | Opening Bid | 516.82 |
2 | El Diablo | 7.98 |
3 | Commander Miller | 854.44 |
4 | Razzo Italiano | 351.79 |
5 | Begin The Luck | 55.74 |
6 | Gerard Mentor | 252.28 |
7 | Karakoram | 776.41 |
8 | Flintstone | 2272.31 |
9 | Army Of One | 62.69 |
10 | Canal Rocks | 2017.82 |
11 | Never No Trouble | 1185 |
Race 6 - 4:00 Warwick
Distance: 2m 3f Runners: 9 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Guernesey | 2nd | 8 | Cluain Aodha | 3rd | 6 | Sheldon (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 1239.40 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 139.87 |
1 | Guernesey | 547.35 |
2 | Chasamax | 220.1 |
3 | John Betjeman | 111.45 |
4 | Manor Park | 4.32 |
5 | Une de La Seniere | 293.43 |
6 | Sheldon | 435.28 |
7 | Lady Pacifico | 1.44 |
8 | Cluain Aodha | 116.88 |
9 | Hooky Street | 203.25 |
27 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £161.90 to 323.89 units
9 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £151.80 to 534.02 units
21 Feb 2025 - Dividend of £31.80 to 1760.63 units
8 Feb 2025 - Dividend of £538.50 to 132.17 units
20 Jan 2025 - Dividend of £15.60 to 2688.37 units
Warwick Placepot - All Placepot Results
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