Today's Current Pool Information Southwell Placepot Results for 11th March 2025
Dividend of £8.80 to a £1 stake won by 4793.44 units
Southwell placepot prize fund: £42,587
Race 1 - 5:05 Southwell
Distance: 1m 13y Runners: 12 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 8 | Al Suil Eile | 2nd | 10 | Rising Force | 3rd | 1 | Calanthe |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 19858.64 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 1116.86 |
1 | Calanthe | 16462.3 |
2 | Alreet Cha | 2453.79 |
3 | Timetobenice | 3981.41 |
4 | No Saint | 108.39 |
5 | King Of Speed | 7535.05 |
6 | Visibility | 14312.67 |
7 | Parish Councillor | 8816.89 |
8 | Al Suil Eile | 2303.83 |
9 | Hostelry | 101.31 |
10 | Rising Force | 1092.52 |
11 | Possible Ambition | 15.39 |
12 | Global Style | 38.72 |
Race 2 - 5:40 Southwell
Distance: 6f 16y Runners: 10 Favourite: 5
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Westmorian (F) | 2nd | 6 | Charlie Mason | 3rd | 9 | Jesse Luc |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 18124.53 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 410.42 |
1 | Angel Of England | 619.99 |
2 | Leodis Dream | 60.6 |
3 | Tyger Bay | 439.75 |
4 | Rambuso Creek | 183.82 |
5 | Westmorian | 6359.89 |
6 | Charlie Mason | 5573.46 |
7 | Mighty Power | 12.24 |
8 | Match Play | 282.13 |
9 | Jesse Luc | 5780.78 |
10 | Jump The Gun | 135.56 |
Race 3 - 6:15 Southwell
Distance: 6f 16y Runners: 6 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Powdering (F) | 2nd | 2 | Ormolulu |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 10938.25 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 470.57 |
1 | Elegant Erin | 686.56 |
2 | Ormolulu | 6005.74 |
3 | Powdering | 4461.94 |
4 | Just A Spark | 346.94 |
5 | Mersea | 5344.27 |
6 | The Real Mckay | 808.51 |
Race 4 - 6:45 Southwell
Distance: 1m 6f 21y Runners: 10 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 2 | Further Measure (F) | 2nd | 6 | Star Legend | 3rd | 8 | Fashionelle |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 7451.66 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2030.43 |
1 | Alright Sunshine | 66.05 |
2 | Further Measure | 3548.53 |
3 | Chase The Dollar | 57.81 |
4 | Val Bassett | 754.24 |
5 | Annandale | 234.32 |
6 | Star Legend | 1745.64 |
7 | Kalikapour | 1156.4 |
8 | Fashionelle | 127.07 |
9 | Mr Zippi | 128.03 |
10 | Sneaky Blinder | 1089.73 |
Race 5 - 7:15 Southwell
Distance: 4f 214y Runners: 6 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Hammer The Hammer (F) | 2nd | 2 | Gorgeous Mr George |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 7227.52 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2895.73 |
1 | Bueno Nacho | 182.67 |
2 | Gorgeous Mr George | 360.97 |
3 | Hammer The Hammer | 3970.84 |
4 | Repo Depo | 29.42 |
5 | Bang To Rights | 4.91 |
6 | Glad Eye | 7.12 |
Race 6 - 7:45 Southwell
Distance: 4f 214y Runners: 9 Favourite: 5
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Nelson Gay | 2nd | 1 | Catch Cunningham | 3rd | 5 | Popular Dream (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 4793.44 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 301.81 |
1 | Catch Cunningham | 2438.66 |
2 | Jungle Run | 534.21 |
3 | Angle Land | 1151.67 |
4 | Birkenhead | 35.27 |
5 | Popular Dream | 1363.16 |
6 | Jeans Maite | 129.81 |
7 | Nelson Gay | 689.77 |
8 | It's Showtime | 582.46 |
9 | Alfa Moonstone | 0.7 |
11 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £8.80 to 4793.44 units
4 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £63.70 to 1166.79 units
3 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £15.80 to 3437.11 units
1 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £40.50 to 1320.54 units
28 Feb 2025 - Dividend of £13.60 to 4669.99 units
Southwell Placepot - All Placepot Results
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