Today's Current Pool Information Ffos Las Placepot Results for 23rd June 2024
Dividend of £339.50 to a £1 stake won by 178.27 units
Ffos Las placepot prize fund: £60,521
Race 1 - 2:10 Ffos Las
Distance: 6f Runners: 9 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Sarah's Verse | 2nd | 1 | Vince Lombardi | 3rd | 7 | Fahrenheit Seven |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 21208.50 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 3404.55 |
1 | Vince Lombardi | 7552.72 |
2 | Starproof | 34862.41 |
3 | Sarah's Verse | 12697.44 |
5 | Mr Wonderful | 3237.4 |
6 | Western | 4262.85 |
7 | Fahrenheit Seven | 958.36 |
8 | Northfield Lake | 15676.47 |
9 | Professor Tickle | 215.17 |
10 | Judge Frank | 39.47 |
Race 2 - 2:40 Ffos Las
Distance: 5f Runners: 3 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Cayman Tai (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 13531.54 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2631.79 |
1 | Cayman Tai | 10899.77 |
2 | Roysdelight | 1393.66 |
4 | Hettie Jack | 6283.28 |
Race 3 - 3:10 Ffos Las
Distance: 5f Runners: 4 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Brandy Station |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 1242.35 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 369.91 |
1 | Brandy Station | 1242.37 |
3 | Red Walls | 4949.38 |
4 | We're Reunited | 4539.55 |
5 | Ten O'Clock | 2430.33 |
Race 4 - 3:40 Ffos Las
Distance: 2m Runners: 6 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Shagpyle (F) | 2nd | 3 | Zoran |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 801.40 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 145.17 |
1 | Shagpyle | 455.29 |
2 | Oceanline | 151.15 |
3 | Zoran | 200.92 |
5 | Navarre Express | 219.41 |
6 | Monsieur Lambrays | 5.34 |
8 | Cubana Habana | 65.07 |
Race 5 - 4:10 Ffos Las
Distance: 1m Runners: 6 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 2 | Kalama Sunrise (F) | 2nd | 4 | Dappled Light |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 658.74 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 120.56 |
1 | Thewaytothestars | 35.84 |
2 | Kalama Sunrise | 394.72 |
3 | Mykonos St John | 14.77 |
4 | Dappled Light | 143.44 |
5 | Zambezi Magic | 55.7 |
6 | Signature Blue | 36.37 |
Race 6 - 4:40 Ffos Las
Distance: 7f 80y Runners: 5 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 5 | Rockymountainway | 2nd | 7 | Yellow Pages |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 178.27 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 73.62 |
1 | Conquest Of Power | 90.85 |
2 | King Of Scotia | 274.07 |
5 | Rockymountainway | 139.61 |
7 | Yellow Pages | 38.65 |
9 | Indication Court | 41.94 |
21 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £21.40 to 2330.72 units
28 Feb 2025 - Dividend of £26.50 to 1990.45 units
6 Feb 2025 - Dividend of £51.80 to 1139.87 units
11 Jan 2025 - Dividend of £1,827.00 to 59.23 units
19 Dec 2024 - Dividend of £307.30 to 164.96 units
Ffos Las Placepot - All Placepot Results
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