Today's Current Pool Information Curragh Placepot Results for 30th June 2023
Dividend of £282.30 to a £1 stake won by 51.94 units
Curragh placepot prize fund: £14,657
Race 1 - 5:00 Curragh
Distance: 6f Runners: 18 Favourite: 14
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 13 | Mountain Bear | 2nd | 3 | Chandigah | 3rd | 14 | My Mate Alfie (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 15099.80 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 1065.41 |
1 | Bennu | 365.35 |
2 | Bright Stripes | 42.83 |
3 | Chandigah | 70.17 |
4 | Ciantov | 15.72 |
5 | Count Von Browne | 50.89 |
6 | Gloucester | 3213.29 |
7 | Going Remote | 164.12 |
8 | Hasshoffman | 52.35 |
9 | House Of Aviz | 1175.4 |
10 | Kortez Bay | 533.35 |
11 | Liberty Looming | 67.35 |
12 | Martinelli | 102.48 |
13 | Mountain Bear | 3641.47 |
14 | My Mate Alfie | 10322.79 |
15 | Poppadom | 25.03 |
16 | The Bear Trap | 13.48 |
17 | Little Miss Peppi | 10.41 |
18 | Our Queen Bee | 7.4 |
Race 2 - 5:35 Curragh
Distance: 7f Runners: 12 Favourite: 12
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 12 | Ylang Ylang (F) | 2nd | 4 | Dollerina | 3rd | 9 | She's Quality |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 12663.86 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 2953.41 |
1 | Betula | 390.07 |
2 | Caught U Looking | 30.81 |
3 | Centuria | 235 |
4 | Dollerina | 818.62 |
5 | Enthralling | 182.62 |
6 | Finsceal Luas | 100.51 |
7 | Nativity Square | 24.09 |
8 | Opera Singer | 825.27 |
9 | She's Quality | 14.76 |
10 | Tai Tam Bay | 3 |
11 | Ten Deep | 644.55 |
12 | Ylang Ylang | 8877.09 |
Race 3 - 6:05 Curragh
Distance: 7f Runners: 18 Favourite: 15
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Verhoyen | 2nd | 9 | Hightimeyouwon | 3rd | 8 | Zabeir | 4th | 13 | Vocal Studies |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 2139.62 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 636.82 |
1 | Verhoyen | 434.8 |
2 | Navagio | 2429.43 |
3 | Eclat De Lumiere | 937.24 |
4 | Exquisite Acclaim | 61.38 |
5 | Furnace Creek | 926.33 |
6 | Pierre Lapin | 88.07 |
7 | Spanish Tenor | 447.4 |
8 | Zabeir | 58.07 |
9 | Hightimeyouwon | 169.31 |
12 | Crystal Black | 357.63 |
13 | Vocal Studies | 1477.45 |
14 | Ampeson | 53.15 |
15 | Not Even Close | 1612.61 |
16 | Midnight Fire | 2277.81 |
17 | Capuchinero | 626.43 |
18 | Cosmic Invasion | 18.42 |
19 | Jered Maddox | 46.33 |
20 | Fox Degree | 5.18 |
Race 4 - 6:40 Curragh
Distance: 1m 4f Runners: 18 Favourite: 4
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 13 | Tudor City | 2nd | 5 | Gradulations | 3rd | 8 | Crassus |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 345.04 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 58.49 |
1 | One Cool Poet | 3 |
2 | Cursory Exam | 26.98 |
3 | Queen Of Seduction | 92.12 |
4 | Alma Libre | 484.49 |
5 | Gradulations | 157.99 |
6 | S'all Good Man | 14.06 |
7 | Cafe Con Leche | 56.39 |
8 | Crassus | 52.46 |
10 | Beautiful Chaos | 3.35 |
11 | Saxe Coburg | 10.7 |
12 | Srowland Jack | 5 |
13 | Tudor City | 134.58 |
14 | Zileo | 60.95 |
15 | Votre Homme | 111.67 |
16 | Halla Ban | 375.84 |
17 | Lygon Street | 469.84 |
18 | Skyquake | 21.71 |
Race 5 - 7:15 Curragh
Distance: 1m 1f Runners: 22 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 16 | Kodiac Prince | 2nd | 1 | Overheer (F) | 3rd | 18 | Jabbar | 4th | 9 | Giuseppe Cassioli |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 142.66 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 6.41 |
1 | Overheer | 46.13 |
2 | Dare To Flare | 1.26 |
3 | Jaafel | 7 |
4 | My Kurkum | 2.33 |
5 | New Hill | 6.92 |
8 | Dream Escape | 9.06 |
9 | Giuseppe Cassioli | 0.92 |
11 | Imposing Supreme | 40.95 |
12 | Court of Appeal | 40.54 |
13 | Noble Crusade | 0.3 |
14 | Thefullbackline | 7.03 |
15 | Drakensberg | 1.01 |
16 | Kodiac Prince | 80.16 |
17 | Barrys Rock | 20.3 |
18 | Jabbar | 9.04 |
19 | Slieve Binnian | 20.75 |
20 | Operatic Artist | 38.23 |
22 | Magic Charm | 6.2 |
23 | Kraken Diamond | 0.5 |
Race 6 - 7:50 Curragh
Distance: 1m 1f Runners: 11 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 11 | The Franchise | 2nd | 12 | Booyea | 3rd | 1 | Nation's Call (F) |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 51.94 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 3.07 |
1 | Nation's Call | 31.04 |
2 | Mr Lincoln | 6.33 |
4 | Save Your Love | 4.69 |
5 | Roman Hands | 13.32 |
6 | Semblance Of Order | 52.84 |
7 | Eyeeye | 0.3 |
8 | Golden Spangle | 2.53 |
9 | Paradise Perfect | 2.98 |
10 | Tea Olive | 7.76 |
11 | The Franchise | 9.63 |
12 | Booyea | 8.17 |
29 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £29.20 to 542.89 units
16 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £127.70 to 232.79 units
3 Nov 2024 - Dividend of £100.10 to 200.27 units
22 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £21.60 to 530.41 units
17 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £12.00 to 824.05 units
Curragh Placepot - All Placepot Results
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