Today's Current Pool Information Curragh Placepot Results for 26th August 2023
Dividend of £126.00 to a £1 stake won by 76.31 units
Curragh placepot prize fund: £9,614
Race 1 - 4:05 Curragh
Distance: 1m Runners: 12 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 12 | Tamrat | 2nd | 7 | Ortelius | 3rd | 11 | Starliner |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 3934.17 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 748.17 |
1 | Aisling Oscar | 20.19 |
2 | House Of Aviz | 1611.81 |
3 | Killeaney Bear | 123.99 |
4 | Masoun | 35.96 |
5 | Natural Ruler | 19.53 |
6 | Ocean Conquest | 5902.38 |
7 | Ortelius | 2646.66 |
8 | Pandion Power | 51.64 |
9 | Rapid Mission | 1070.29 |
11 | Starliner | 1008.95 |
12 | Tamrat | 278.54 |
13 | Taraj | 216.69 |
Race 2 - 4:40 Curragh
Distance: 1m Runners: 6 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Opera Singer (F) | 2nd | 1 | Brilliant |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 2582.54 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 182.68 |
1 | Brilliant | 848.16 |
2 | Kalispera | 251.75 |
3 | Opera Singer | 1551.7 |
5 | Shelaka | 1087.33 |
6 | Straya | 12.5 |
7 | Vive Veuve | 0.05 |
Race 3 - 5:10 Curragh
Distance: 6f Runners: 10 Favourite: 4
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 4 | Letsbefrankaboutit (F) | 2nd | 5 | Mansa Musa | 3rd | 2 | Chandigah |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 1075.22 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 103.48 |
1 | Buyin Buyin | 59.08 |
2 | Chandigah | 32.12 |
3 | G'day Mate | 37.42 |
4 | Letsbefrankaboutit | 751.02 |
5 | Mansa Musa | 188.59 |
6 | Mountain Bear | 1004.82 |
8 | The Caribbean | 31.25 |
9 | Bella Colombia | 22.85 |
10 | Do It With Style | 351.91 |
Race 4 - 5:40 Curragh
Distance: 1m 1f Runners: 8 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 9 | Red Riding Hood | 2nd | 6 | American Sonja (F) | 3rd | 8 | Mashia |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 735.93 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 45.86 |
1 | Cigamia | 178.53 |
3 | Giladah | 14.45 |
4 | Indian Wish | 264.31 |
5 | Pale Iris | 1.6 |
6 | American Sonja | 328.08 |
7 | Dame Kiri | 2.18 |
8 | Mashia | 77.26 |
9 | Red Riding Hood | 5.99 |
10 | Snowcapped | 156.96 |
Race 5 - 6:10 Curragh
Distance: 1m Runners: 22 Favourite: 17
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 3 | Coeur D'or | 2nd | 5 | Blues Emperor | 3rd | 17 | Crystal Black (F) | 4th | 4 | Fastnet Crown |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 388.87 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 11.03 |
1 | Vega Magnifico | 7.73 |
2 | Saltonstall | 3.93 |
3 | Coeur D'or | 97.95 |
4 | Fastnet Crown | 1.85 |
5 | Blues Emperor | 136.39 |
6 | Casanova | 12.67 |
7 | Clever And Cool | 23.35 |
8 | Current Option | 30.37 |
10 | Monaasib | 0.29 |
11 | Rahmi | 47.48 |
12 | Joe Masseria | 4.72 |
13 | Carracci | 6.13 |
14 | Laughifuwant | 5.52 |
15 | No More Porter | 79.44 |
16 | Cordouan | 15.24 |
17 | Crystal Black | 141.63 |
18 | Free Solo | 9.16 |
19 | Zabeir | 15.78 |
20 | Overheer | 1 |
21 | San Aer | 0.4 |
22 | Sirjack Thomas | 2.23 |
23 | Facethepuckout | 81.64 |
Race 6 - 6:40 Curragh
Distance: 6f Runners: 17 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 7 | Arnhem | 2nd | 4 | Hallowed Time | 3rd | 5 | Collective Power | 4th | 1 | Daamberdiplomat |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 76.31 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 23.29 |
1 | Daamberdiplomat | 49.33 |
2 | Artemis Jones | 1.1 |
3 | Ice Cold In Alex | 32.63 |
4 | Hallowed Time | 12.17 |
5 | Collective Power | 3.79 |
6 | Secret Magician | 140.49 |
7 | Arnhem | 11 |
8 | Not Even Close | 63.82 |
9 | Livingston Range | 3.53 |
10 | Rumbled Again | 1.68 |
11 | Amanirenas | 17.09 |
13 | Wooden Head | 1.96 |
15 | Not Too Real Bad | 15.5 |
16 | Run Forrest Run | 6 |
17 | Havana Notion | 5.49 |
29 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £29.20 to 542.89 units
16 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £127.70 to 232.79 units
3 Nov 2024 - Dividend of £100.10 to 200.27 units
22 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £21.60 to 530.41 units
17 Oct 2024 - Dividend of £12.00 to 824.05 units
Curragh Placepot - All Placepot Results
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