Today's Current Pool Information Cheltenham Placepot Results for 16th March 2021
Dividend of £5.80 to a £1 stake won by 83836.81 units
Cheltenham placepot prize fund: £493,467
Race 1 - 1:20 Cheltenham
Distance: 2m 87y Runners: 8 Favourite: 1
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Appreciate It (F) | 2nd | 2 | Ballyadam | 3rd | 4 | For Pleasure |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 484263.28 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 7242.72 |
1 | Appreciate It | 399854.375 |
2 | Ballyadam | 73942.46 |
3 | Blue Lord | 36860.81 |
4 | For Pleasure | 3223.75 |
5 | Grumpy Charley | 6819.13 |
6 | Irascible | 3582.42 |
7 | Metier | 107895.07 |
8 | Soaring Glory | 36562.62 |
Race 2 - 1:55 Cheltenham
Distance: 1m 7f 199y Runners: 5 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 6 | Shishkin (F) | 2nd | 3 | Eldorado Allen |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 370787.25 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 47963.4 |
1 | Allmankind | 55699.66 |
2 | Captain Guinness | 38433.55 |
3 | Eldorado Allen | 1787.12 |
4 | Franco De Port | 19342.82 |
6 | Shishkin | 321036.719 |
Race 3 - 2:30 Cheltenham
Distance: 3m 1f Runners: 16 Favourite: 6
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 9 | Vintage Clouds | 2nd | 6 | Happygolucky (F) | 3rd | 2 | Aye Right | 4th | 1 | Cepage |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 199149.83 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 15080.14 |
1 | Cepage | 4974.19 |
2 | Aye Right | 67987.31 |
3 | Pym | 15848.83 |
4 | Ok Corral | 3729.09 |
5 | Milan Native | 65949.43 |
6 | Happygolucky | 106888.883 |
7 | Alnadam | 41923.86 |
8 | Delire D'estruval | 492.15 |
9 | Vintage Clouds | 4219.3 |
10 | Discordantly | 11995.8 |
11 | Admiral's Secret | 5325.91 |
12 | One For The Team | 21393.84 |
13 | The Wolf | 2956.14 |
14 | Nietzsche | 1650.37 |
15 | Soupy Soups | 116.45 |
16 | Fingerontheswitch | 255.56 |
Race 4 - 3:05 Cheltenham
Distance: 2m 87y Runners: 10 Favourite: 10
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 10 | Honeysuckle (F) | 2nd | 7 | Sharjah | 3rd | 9 | Epatante |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 164921.27 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 19688.43 |
1 | Abacadabras | 7273.05 |
2 | Aspire Tower | 657.01 |
3 | Goshen | 23066.86 |
4 | James Du Berlais | 1069.21 |
5 | Not So Sleepy | 125.39 |
6 | Saldier | 91.88 |
7 | Sharjah | 6631.32 |
8 | Silver Streak | 1945.14 |
9 | Epatante | 29737.53 |
10 | Honeysuckle | 108864.008 |
Race 5 - 3:40 Cheltenham
Distance: 2m 3f 200y Runners: 10 Favourite: 2
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 1 | Black Tears | 2nd | 2 | Concertista (F) | 3rd | 10 | Roksana |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 154253.88 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 12485.22 |
1 | Black Tears | 4302.67 |
2 | Concertista | 95213.02 |
3 | Dame De Compagnie | 5968.96 |
5 | Floressa | 345.99 |
6 | Great White Shark | 1125.16 |
7 | Indefatigable | 1016.72 |
8 | Minella Melody | 2061.68 |
9 | My Sister Sarah | 138.71 |
10 | Roksana | 42252.94 |
11 | Whitehotchillifili | 10.2 |
Race 6 - 4:15 Cheltenham
Distance: 2m 87y Runners: 22 Favourite: 3
Place | No. | Name |
1st | 21 | Jeff Kidder | 2nd | 3 | Saint Sam (F) | 3rd | 22 | Elham Valley | 4th | 13 | Houx Gris |
Selections remaining after this race: Tote Placepot: 83836.81 Horse | Name | Units |
Fav | Favourite | 5020.29 |
1 | Nassalam | 3805.08 |
2 | Youmdor | 675.37 |
3 | Saint Sam | 37720.9 |
4 | Cabot Cliffs | 5890.02 |
5 | Druid's Altar | 720.56 |
6 | Busselton | 14546.98 |
7 | Riviere D'etel | 20014.27 |
8 | Balko Saint | 1007.86 |
9 | Longclaw | 163.92 |
10 | Hell Red | 524.57 |
11 | Glorious Zoff | 765.75 |
12 | Zoffanien | 2411.6 |
13 | Houx Gris | 40886.51 |
14 | Soldier On Parade | 24.56 |
15 | Coltor | 5991.56 |
16 | Her Indoors | 1106.11 |
17 | Sage Advice | 3680.98 |
19 | Burgundy Man | 33.82 |
20 | Homme Public | 8569.52 |
21 | Jeff Kidder | 80.82 |
22 | Elham Valley | 128.3 |
23 | Curious Bride | 484.53 |
14 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £14.50 to 75200.74 units
13 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £80.30 to 12709.30 units
12 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £582.50 to 1627.48 units
11 Mar 2025 - Dividend of £11,050.70 to 74.82 units
25 Jan 2025 - Dividend of £12.90 to 16926.05 units
Cheltenham Placepot - All Placepot Results
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